Day 116

April 26th, 2012: I think this is what I’m going to do for awhile: I’m just not moving as fast as I was before, and I’m beginning to get irritated. I’ve maintained, I feel awesome, and today I actually feel like I’ve lost some weight. Okay, I know I have – quite a bit, actually (I snuck a look at that scale – couldn’t help it). 275 today! BUT I still feel stuck in a rut.

Rather than change my exercise plan again, I’m gonna make a change to my diet. I’m currently eating right around 2500 calories per day, and I just can’t seem to outwork that number. I’ve got to cut back on how much I eat, and this makes me a little bummed. I’ve gotta figure out what food I need to say goodbye to. When you sacrifice and it ain’t good enough, you really have to suck-it-up. It is, again, time to embrace the suck.

So I have to hurry up and make a daydream: When I was in high-school, I could jump onto a horse bareback from a standing position. This was Reuben, my 16 hand-tall Quarter Horse. I will be doing this again in 6 months or less (on a different horse, of course).

April 26th, 2020: Although the writing in the photo above is “2 years of No Matter What”, the reality is that there are more colors involved than just black, white, and sometimes yellow.   As I’ve made mention of several times before, the general mechanics of the program involve the process of managing calories in and calories out.  Even that aspect of it has an infinite technicolor palette though, and that’s before you add in the humanity element, i.e. the psychology.  The god-awful unending twists and turns in the noodle-packet of the brain.

But it’s been my experience that all good things have character, and the more spice in the noodle-packet, the more interesting the flavor.  I think even God has character.  Even math has character.  We even owned a goldfish one time that I swear had its own unique personality.  It shouldn’t be a surprise that the process is gonna have character and color from time to time, especially when you reduce it down to the daily occurrences.  Character can sometimes be a pain in the fuckin ass, whether it’s God or your buddy or the process that’s reminding you ain’t nothing gonna go just like clockwork, despite all your brilliant plans.

I learned that no matter now much I strive for the perfect workout, at least one pitch you connect with is likely to run just east of the foul line.  For example, I’ve started running on the treadmill again, and just about the time I hit a decent stride on last night’s run, I discovered my left shoelace was just about to come untied.  I had to then stop the damn treadmill, tie it, and get going again.  This just doesn’t seem like it’d be that big a deal, and it’s not, or shouldn’t be, but when you always expect a workout to be perfect, it’s a fucking catastrophe. 

Same goes for diet.  It’d be neat to say I stuck a 10 on the landings each day until I hit my goal weight, but as you’ve read, it didn’t go that way.  There are too many variables in life.  I basically eat the same thing every day.  However, there have been times when no microwave is available, i.e., when I’m camping.  What the hell do I do then?  It becomes quite difficult to follow the process in those instances.   I’ve learned that I’ve got to be flexible here from time to time as well.   This doesn’t mean I am flexible, I just know I’m supposed to chill sometimes. 

More later…

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